Available treatments I offer bespoke treatments which are fully tailored to suit your specific needs
Integrated Massage
Bespoke massage treatments
I combine many massage techniques to guarantee a bespoke treatment to suit your needs with every visit; as your needs change, so does the treatment.
Treatments may involve deep tissue release, acupressure, classical massage, aromatherapy, lymphatic drainage, lighter nurturing touch techniques & more.
Story Massage
Calming and fun for children, parents and carers
"Destress yourself and calm your children with online Story Massage sessions.
Learn how to use your hands to tell stories in fresh, fun ways in the comfort of your own home.
Help children control their own behaviour, promote learning and nurture each other.
As an adoptive mum, Nicolle understands attachment, trauma and blocked care issues and can provide specialist support for families, carers and their children.
Hot and Cold Stone Massage
Stone and integrated massage
A powerful combination of hot stones with integrated massage techniques.
The stones warm muscles melting away tension and, if needed, cold stones to address inflammation. Hot stone massage brings about a deep rooted sense of balance and relaxation, surrendering your skin to the full impact of essential oils.
Hopi Ear Candle Treatment – Auricular Therapy
Revitalise your senses and refresh your mind!
This ancient therapy is relaxing, boosts immunity and leaves you with a wonderful sense of wellbeing.
I offer this treatment as an ideal solution for treating water in the ear (surfers and swimmers have found this highly beneficial).
It can also treat sinusitis, rhinitis, excess ear wax, narrow ear canals and other ear, nose and throat problems.