Presentations, Demonstrations, Workshops & Training


I love working with people to improve wellbeing. I deliver presentations at conferences, training days and run workshops within my community and nationally.

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I love working with people to improve wellbeing. I deliver presentations at conferences, training days and run workshops within my community and nationally.

I cover a range of topics to empower people to promote better health:

Story Massage workshops to learn how to combine story telling with positive touch to improve learning, bedtimes or manage anxiety

  • Presentations & Training on the powerful use of Massage & Nurturing Touch for People Living with Dementia
  • Interactive Demonstrations on the power of touch for people including children who have experienced trauma, people who live with dementia or other life limiting conditions.
  • Talks on stress management and building resilience
  • Talks on the role of massage and holistic wellbeing

£ price on application – work with me